Friday Club. The next meeting of our new monthly club for young people age 11 to 16 is on Friday 28 February. Click here for details.
COVID Prayer Points
We unite with Christians all over the world in prayer to our Lord who is sovereign over all the events of life. Let us cry out to Him for mercy and for grace, that this plague may end, that the needs of people will be met and, above all, for people young and old to turn to the Lord Jesus Christ in repentance and faith. Pray that we Christians may give a good testimony of trust in the Lord and that we may see a great revival in the church.
We hope soon to be restarting meetings and our prayers will continue.
How can we pray particularly in regard to the pandemic?
Praising God
- Praise the Lord who is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in love
- Praise Him for being willing to hear our prayers, to answer and to do far more than we can ask or imagine, even bringing great good out of evil
- Praise God who is merciful, not dealing with us as deserve, but is long-suffering and calling people to repent
Confessing our sins
- Let us ask God to show us where we have sinned and to teach us His ways
- Let us acknowledge our sins and the sins of the nation and the world
- Plead for forgiveness with humility and gratitude for Jesus Christ the Saviour
Thanking God
- Be thankful that the sovereign Lord is in control of all that is happening
- Be thankful that God works all things together for good for those who love him and are called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28)
- Be thankful for the means we have to keep church life going and to spread the Gospel
- Be thankful for skilful and committed people working in many walks of life to help us all in many different ways
- Be thankful for the technology that is giving us the ability to keep in touch with family, friends and is so useful for the church
- Be thankful that the Lord knows every detail about our lives and circumstances and that, as Lord of all nations and peoples, He is working out His purposes
Making requests to God
For the physical needs
- Pray for the healing of the sick, the comfort of the bereaved and the relief of the needy
- Pray for those living in particularly vulnerable circumstances both at home and overseas
- Pray for those involved in maintaining all the services needed for daily life and caring
- Pray for both older people, who are particularly at risk, and for children, who though largely being spared the worst effects of the disease may be affected or vulnerable in other ways during the lockdown
- Pray for those whose livelihoods, employment and businesses are at risk
- Pray for those struggling with living in isolation; for patience and strength for all as we seek to adapt and cope in these circumstances
- Pray for factual, accurate and clear reporting in the media
- Pray for wisdom for those charged with leading the nation, especially as they gradually ease the lockdown measures, and for people to respond well so that there will be no second wave of infection
- Pray that the Lord would accomplish all He has purposed and cut short the duration of the pandemic
For the spiritual needs
- Pray that this will be a time of spiritual renewal and growth for Christians and churches
- Pray that the nation would emerge from this with more humility and more wisdom as we learn just how fragile we are individually and as a society, that there will be a growing conviction that this world is not all there is and, above all, a turning back to God
- As we pray for those labouring hard to care for the sick, for those providing all that is needed for life to go on for us all and for those governing and leading the nation and all its essential institutions, businesses, services, utilities, let us be thankful that the Lord ultimately is the one providing and caring
- Pray that we might soon be able to re-open the church building for meetings and that we shall be wise in managing the arrangements so that it is safe for people to come and also that those unable to attend in person will also be included
- Pray for the online ministry of the church to be of good effect in our community and further afield