Recommended resources

There are plenty of online resources available for reading and hearing the Bible, the Word of God, and to find help in understanding its message. Below are some recommendations for Christians who desire to grow in their understanding and faith. If you are not a Christian but interested to find out more about Christianity then there is much here that will help. Even sceptics who see no relevance or value in the Christian message ought to at least give it a fair hearing!

A good place to read the Bible if you don't have a paper copy of your own is at A good place to start would be the Gospel of Luke or the Gospel of John. If you would like a paper copy of the Gospels or a Bible, then please feel free to contact us.

MLJ Trust hosts the archive of more than 1,600 sermons and Bible studies given by Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones, pastor of Westminster Chapel (1939-1968) whose Bible ministry has been greatly appreciated by many, many people. The audio recordings are free to listen to or download.

Ligonier Ministries is highly recommended for sermons, Bible studies, teaching series and articles, with many resources available freely and others for purchasing. Follow this link to read more. internet radio broadcasting of trustworthy Bible ministry available 24/7 online or in apps. Follow this link.

Daily bible readings app - free of charge for iOS and Android - for every day of the year there are Bible readings, a choice between Spurgeon's Morning and Evening devotional comments or Daily Readings from J.C.Ryle’s Expository Comments on the Gospels, together with points for prayer and a hymn with music from the Christian Hymns book. Click here to read more and get links to the appstore downloads.

Christian Hymns app for iOS and Android - the Christian Hymns hymnbook with the text and playable music for hundreds of hymns. The complete paid-for version, which includes words and music of copyrighted material is available at £4.99. The free version excludes copyrighted material. Click here to read more and for links to the appstore downloads.