
The Lord Jesus Christ is the Head of the Church. Under Christ’s authority, as guided by Scripture, the members of the church appoint elders and deacons to lead and administer the church in both spiritual and practical matters. Together, the elders and deacons form the Church Council.

Elders are men of proven Christian character and recognised ability in pastoral and spiritual care, the use of the Word of God and leadership, who fulfil the requirements of 1 Timothy 3.1-7 and Titus 1.5-9. The elders are responsible for the spiritual oversight of the whole church. We believe that the ministry of the Word of God, the pastoral care of the church, evangelism and leadership is a full time ministry. The church provides for at least one elder to be set aside for full time ministry, taking the main teaching and leadership role in the church; he is usually referred to as the "pastor" or “minister” of the church.

Deacons are members of proven Christian character having skills and gifts in administration, financial matters, care of property, and in the social care and general welfare of people. They are those recognised as having suitable skills and gifts and meeting the spiritual requirements of 1 Timothy 3.8-13 and are appointed by the church.

Photograh of Robbie Lee

Robbie Lee

Robbie has been at Tollington Park since the early 1960s. He came to faith through the Boys Brigade and subsequently became one of its leaders. He worked as an electrician in a large company before joining the social services of Islington Council. He worked as an Assistant Superintendent of a unit for multi handicapped children before resuming work as an electrician. Robbie has been a member of the church since the early 1970s and has been one of the elders for many years.  He has worked alongside several of the church’s pastors and has been involved in many aspects of the church’s ministry.


Potrait shot of Kevin Green

Kevin Green

Kevin came to faith in his teens, After graduating from university he joined the civil service for which he worked until 2009 when he took early retirement. He became a member of the church in 2008 and a deacon a year later. In 2016 he became church secretary, a role that he continues to fill. Over the years he has undertaken a preaching ministry within the church, particularly when we have been without a pastor, and in June 2023 he was recognised as a elder.