Welcome to the TP online service for Sunday 29 March 2020
- Zoom@TP prayer meeting - Tuesday from 8pm (the meeting number will be sent out beforehand)
- The website is getting more capabilities all the time, please remember to check it at least daily, especially the 'pastor's blog' and 'ministry while chapel is closed' pages
- Hymns are suggested for reading/singing in your morning worship. These are all available with music in the Christian Hymns app (details at https://www.tpbc.org.uk/general/online-resources and I recommend the paid for version which costs 99p). Alternatively, use your own hymn book or look online to find the words and music
Morning, 11.00
- Read John 8:12
- Hymn: God of the covenant (48)
- Prayer: Praise and thank our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ our Saviour
- Read Jeremiah 29:1-14
- Prayer: Pray that the world may see the light of the Lord and come to Him. Bring your own requests to Him
- Hymn: God moves in a mysterious way (105)
- Watch the video message and afterwards spend a little more time responding to the Lord in prayer.
- Hymn: In Christ Alone (647)
Evening, 6.30
We unite this evening with Christians all over the world in prayer to our Lord who is sovereign over all the events of life. Let us cry out to Him for mercy and for grace, that this plague may end, that the needs of people will be met and, above all, for people young and old to turn to the Lord Jesus Christ in repentance and faith. Pray that we Christians may give a good testimony of trust in the Lord and that we may see a great revival in the church.How can we pray particularly in regard to the pandemic? The following is adapted from a call to prayer issued by churches in Australia. Pray...
- That God would grant wisdom and energy to all leaders in government, caring professions, emergency services, and in every sector of the economy as they seek to guide the nation through these difficult times. Pray that their guidance and the nation’s response would lead to this crisis ending and its damaging effects being limited.
- That medical advice would be accurate and wise and that the public will respond with a calm measured response and not the panic that we have seen in recent weeks.
- That as a nation we emerge from this season stronger and wiser than we enter it, with a greater consciousness of our need for God in the everyday affairs of our nation.