Friday Club. The next meeting of our new monthly club for young people age 11 to 16 is on Friday 28 February. Click here for details.
Prayer Meeting
Christians view personal prayer as crucial to their spiritual life and the prayer meeting is a vital part of the life of the church. Anyone is welcome to join us. We are presently meeting online using Zoom. Please contact us for details if you would like to join.
Our Tuesday evening meeting starts at 8pm and usually lasts until about 9.05pm. We sing God's praises and hear a reading from the Bible but the emphasis of the meeting is on prayer. There is an opportunity before we turn to prayer for those present to share matters for prayer.
The prayer time is our opportunity to come together into the presence of God to praise Him and to thank Him for who He is and for all that He does. It gives us opportunity as well to bring our requests to Him about matters in the life of the church, or to pray for the needs of individuals and families, or for wider concerns beyond our immediate circumstances.
The Bible study is normally led by one of our elders. However, everyone is welcome to contribute their thoughts on the Bible passage that has been read, or to pray. We realise not everyone may feel able to participate like this, at least to begin with, and it is fine simply to listen.